Center for Advanced Research and Comprehensive Approach of Cancer


The Center for Advanced Research and Comprehensive Approach of Cancer is co-founded by the Oncological institute in Cluj-Napoca (starting from the Medical Center EPIC) and the Babeș-Bolyai University (based on the UBBMed-School of Health).

Considering the key role of lifestyle in noncommunicable diseases, the National Center of Competences for a Healthy Lifestyle (co-created by the UBB and the Romanian Academy) is a strategic parter.

The key international partner is Center for Behavioral Oncology from Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (where profesor Daniel David also acts as an adjunct professor).

Address: No. 9 Clinicilor St., Cluj-Napoca; another key clinical-research infrastructure is located on No. 2, Aleea Nemira St., Gilău, Cluj.
